Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Time...

Not a whole lot going on, but it's been awhile since I last posted. I've gotten addicted to Facebook because it seems like so much less maintenance. :)
Rick just sold his first gallery painting in Alpine, so we are excited about that. I guess the lady just walked in and grabbed it and paid for it. Rick is always plugging away at his artwork. If he has any spare time and Hayden is not available to play with, he will go to his lair and paint away. I, on the other hand, still don't have a specific hobby that I enjoy. I obviously love Usborne books and have had a great time doing parties and getting kids interested in reading. I consider it a hobby now. I have also decided that I love photography. I don't know the first thing about all the technicalities of it, but I do know that I get super excited when I see something that would make a beautiful picture. I have been taking a lot of photos for Rick's artwork. He has had some beautiful paintings from some of them, so I am kind of proud of that. We make a great team! :)
Hayden has been super excited about Halloween. He picked out his own costume. It was a spider costume! He tried it on and Rick and I were rolling with laughter. It was adorable! I will attach a picture. The other day, I overheard him talking to one of his buddies about what they were going to be for Halloween and I heard the other boy say "I am going to be a fireman!" and Hayden said "Well, I am going to be an elephant!" Then I interrupted by saying "No, Hayden, remember you are going to be a spider?!" and he glared at me and said (matter-of-factly) "No mom, I am going to be an elephant!" as if I were ruining his bragging moment.
We have learned that Hayden has a stubborn streak in him...not at all like his mother. I find myself often arguing with this little two-year-old as if I were arguing with an adult. He is very convincing already. I suppose that could be a good thing if he turns out to be the kind of kid who stands up for what's right...let's hope. ;)
So Halloween was fun...sort of. We went trick-or-treating at Aunt Brenda's work. At first, Hayden wasn't sure why everyone was gawking at him and throwing candy at him, but then he immediately got the hang of it and went from one bowl to the next. Soon his bowl was too heavy to carry. On Halloween night, we went out trick-or-treating around our neighborhood for the first time. That was a neat experience! I guess Halloween is a huge deal around here! Every house has a Harry Potter theme and our bishop is the main wizard from the movie and hands out maps that show what each house is (like the wand shop, library, etc.). The kids AND adults really get into it! I guess it was even on the news or something. (We don't have t.v., but that's what I'm told.) Anyway, Hayden was pretty tuckered out by the evening and our gigantic bowl of candy was gone within a few hours, so we retired at about 9:00 p.m. or so.
Hope everyone else had a fun and safe Halloween!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kids say the darndest things...

Not a lot has changed in the past month, but it sure feels like July has been hectic. We had the Lane clan out here for the fourth. It was a fairly quiet holiday, except for family game time. I think I have the most competitive family on earth, but it makes for an interesting time together. :)
We have finally gotten over the job scare with Rick's work, but I think he is still wanting to look into another career. He's been looking into some landscaping schools. I don't know how he does it working all day in the heat and dealing with some pretty crazy stuff sometimes. I am very proud of his work ethic though. He always does his best and some nights we go to some of his parks where he ends up fixing things when he isn't even on paid time.
Some rather sad news recently...Our kitty Sam disappeared about two weeks ago and we found out last week that he was hit by a car around the corner from us. We felt horrible because we had had him since he was a few weeks old and he was a part of our family. He was a very special kitty. He was incredibly smart and had a lot of personality for a cat. He had just adopted a little kitten two doors down and would let him/her cuddle with him on our porch. The kitten still comes around looking for him. Even though he had his quirks as all animals do, we will sure miss him. Hayden keeps asking "Where is Sammy?" I just say he went to live with Jesus, Aunt Bonnie and Scampi (Bonnie's dog).
Hayden is doing really well. He is turning out to be such a funny, sweet little boy. Although he is going through the authority phase where he tests us and he knows exactly what to do to get out of being punished for something. If I catch him doing something wrong, I'll get down to his level and look him in the eye and say "Do you need a timeout?" and he'll just look straight back into my eyes and put his little hands on my cheeks and say "What's a matter, mommy?" or "Sah-wy (sorry), mommy" with a low, solemn little voice. Sometimes he'll caress my face as if he's trying to calm me down so I can't get mad at him.
Bed time has been a struggle lately. Last night we went to put him down and I shut the door and went into my room only to hear his little voice crying out "Hayden wants a time out! Hayden wants a time out!" (Apparently, time out is better than going to bed.)
We always get a kick out of this little guy. He is such a ham and knows what makes us tick and what makes us melt. So smart for such a little guy. It's amazing how fast they grow.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Life changes

Hello everyone! Just wanted to take a minute to let you know how we're doing. We still LOVE Eagle Mountain and are so excited to be living out here in the "country!" ;) We love the small town life around us as well. Lehi is so quaint with cute little shops and old fashioned houses. There are some great antique shops too! I am going to go broke if I keep going there! We are getting a Wal-Mart, which I am not too excited about. I HATE Wal-Mart for multiple reasons, but I won't go into that. ;)
Rick is finally able to breathe again after the big job scare recently with the city cutting jobs left and right. He is still on the lookout though for something else, just in case, so let us know if you know of anything. We had quite the scare about two weeks ago when the art gallery where his paintings are caught fire. Luckily, his weren't ruined in the fire. I think Erik Dowdle had some stuff ruined though. When I went in to check Rick's paintings, Erik Dowdle was there and I asked how he was doing. He said "As good as can be expected," so I assumed that some of his work may have been ruined which is a shame.
Hayden is adjusting pretty well to the new house and neighborhood. It's so great to have so many parks and kid-friendly places nearby. At first, all we did was go to the park and the grocery store for fun, but now we realized how close we are to things like Thanksgiving point (Hayden LOVED the Dinosaur Museum!) and Cabela's (of course I felt bad for those poor stuffed animals) and The Aquarium. It's been a fun summer so far!
I'm still not working, but looking for something part-time that I could do without the stresses of finding a sitter for Hayden. I think when he's in school, I will go back to school and get a degree in something...not sure what, but something. :)
Love ya'll!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Welcome to my blogspot!!

I am so excited to finally be "in" with the bloggers now! I have a million pictures that I wanted to show to family and friends and what an easy way to do it!
So to start off with news, our family just moved from West Valley to Eagle Mountain. This was a HUGE move for us, not only because of the distance, but because of the huge lifestyle differences between those cities! I still can't believe how lucky we are to have found such a wonderful place to live and raise Hayden. We have a wonderful ward (with the biggest primary in the entire church worldwide) and the members have been so welcoming to us. We just received our first callings yesterday: Rick is the High Priest Group Secretary and Ward Missionary and I was called to be the 4-yr-old Sunbeam teacher (keep in mind there are 3 4-yr-old classes, yikes!).
We are excited though to finally feel like part of the ward and to be able to help serve.
Hayden loves nursery! His teachers always comment on how impressed they were to see him singing all the words to the songs. He LOVES singing and is so good at it. :)

I haven't been working for awhile now and I LOVE it! But the extra income would be nice. I am still employed with the church, but decided to take some time off to get settled and be home with Hayden for awhile. Rick loves his job still, but it's been pretty stressful. The city is basically out of money and the citizens don't want to have their taxes increased, so they're trying to get the city to downsize their employees (which has already started taking place). It's a little scary to think that we just moved and Rick could possibly lose his job, but I know that we were supposed to move out here and that the Lord will take care of us. Rick has already received an offer to paint a mural for an architect, so if his bid works out, that could be some nice cash in our pockets. :)

That's pretty much all our news for right now. Hope everyone is well! Enjoy the pics!