Sunday, June 29, 2008

Life changes

Hello everyone! Just wanted to take a minute to let you know how we're doing. We still LOVE Eagle Mountain and are so excited to be living out here in the "country!" ;) We love the small town life around us as well. Lehi is so quaint with cute little shops and old fashioned houses. There are some great antique shops too! I am going to go broke if I keep going there! We are getting a Wal-Mart, which I am not too excited about. I HATE Wal-Mart for multiple reasons, but I won't go into that. ;)
Rick is finally able to breathe again after the big job scare recently with the city cutting jobs left and right. He is still on the lookout though for something else, just in case, so let us know if you know of anything. We had quite the scare about two weeks ago when the art gallery where his paintings are caught fire. Luckily, his weren't ruined in the fire. I think Erik Dowdle had some stuff ruined though. When I went in to check Rick's paintings, Erik Dowdle was there and I asked how he was doing. He said "As good as can be expected," so I assumed that some of his work may have been ruined which is a shame.
Hayden is adjusting pretty well to the new house and neighborhood. It's so great to have so many parks and kid-friendly places nearby. At first, all we did was go to the park and the grocery store for fun, but now we realized how close we are to things like Thanksgiving point (Hayden LOVED the Dinosaur Museum!) and Cabela's (of course I felt bad for those poor stuffed animals) and The Aquarium. It's been a fun summer so far!
I'm still not working, but looking for something part-time that I could do without the stresses of finding a sitter for Hayden. I think when he's in school, I will go back to school and get a degree in something...not sure what, but something. :)
Love ya'll!!!

1 comment:

Sally said...

Lisa - it's great to hear how you are all doing. I like your cute home and am glad you are liking in out in the boonies! :) I am glad Rick's art work didn't get damaged - I saw that on the news and was wondering about it. Thanks for the thoughts on my blog!
love ya!